Friday, June 19, 2015

C4ta#2-Summary/Comment - C4tp-Post #4 - Summary/Comment, Jeff Delp

Jeff with the kids of Good Neighbor Orphanage  NGTD- Not Getting things Done

It seems as if honesty and struggling sometimes go together. Your correct, all good things like innovation, engaged learning, excellent behavior, and growth are not happening in every ones classroom, or school. In some of our schools it just the opposite, especially kids that end up with kids being placed in an orphanage.You have to be a special person, to have a desire to work with orphans, because sometimes they have some emotional problems because of their situation. I don't think being a principal is an easy job. You spoke about not being able to call the kids names when you greet then every morning, with some of these kids, just speaking with a smile means the world to them. I'm sure your staff must be pretty special also, if they were not dedicated, I don't believe they would still be there. Funding is a problem in most schools, public and private, so don't think it's strange that you are facing this problem. Your doing the right thing, stay focused on the students. It is a distinct pleasure to work with teachers and students at an orphanage school. How else would you really know, what type of strength you really have. To sum you up, an excellent, dedicated principal, with the same type of staff. Keep up the good work.

Comment: You don't always have to know how to do it to get it done. The bright side is, you tackled it, and only good can come from it. Don't quit Jeff.

C4tp post # 4

The Marginalization of Children - Summary

I feel like you, that every student deserves a quality education. We can discuss funding all day, in fact, it has been the topic brought before our government officials. They came to the same conclusion, maybe fund this school now, and get to the others later.That later just got later, and later, and later.until it never got to the other schools. No child left behind does not only mean academics but, also attendance, lets make sure the students get on roll to help with funding. Money doesn't always guarantee positive changes or success in education. As for the students with learning disabilities, don't worry parents , your child will be guaranteed n IEP,breakfast and lunch. As for their academic success,there is a lack in resources. All kids deserve a quality education, eve if it takes a quality charter school, but are they prepared and willing to meet the needs of all students.


Yes, all kids deserve a quality education.I really don't like putting students in a category, because of there economic status.Things are still a little better now than they use to be.

1 comment:

  1. "Your correct…" You're, not Your
    " every ones …" everyones, not every ones
    "...because of there economic status." their, not there

    Thoughtful. Interesting.
