Thursday, June 11, 2015


It actually seems like poverty stricken areas and people will be with us always. We may not be able to solve all the educational issues in these areas, such as Haiti, but we, but the places we can we shall do so. I can tell you have a big heart and plenty of compassion. A Good Neighbor Orphanage sounds like one of the best ideas in the world. What a beautiful outreach, this is something that Haiti really needs.


Jeff Delp, Molehills out of Mountains

I believe that what your saying is true, although I have never been there. It has already been said that seeing is believing. To be an educator compassion comes with the territory. even along math, science, and language arts. There are students that will end up being o.k., and there are some that will not be o.k., we have to come to grips with those facts. We have to to make sure we have done our best to teach and steer them in the right direction to be o.k. Just know that our students have a mind, and they will never forget our acts of kindness, in the long run they will be forever greatful. This is when the mountains  into turn into molehills.


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