Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Blog Post 10

       The kids welcomed us into their classroom. The first graders began by showing off their blogs. They said by communicating with others on their blogs this helped them to become better writers, and to also be kind toward each other, always say nice things to each other. To me this helps with discipline in the classroom, something I would really have a need for. The students used the website by clicking on pictures, to get to the website they wanted to view. Wiki was used to compose a song from the alphabet, and create a video to show what they learned. Skupe is what I really would like to work with in my classroom. This will allow us to reach different people in different places, without leaving our classroom. Nintendo DS is a very good problem solver, and it also taught the students to share. I know sharing can become a problem among first graders.
          Mrs. Cassidy put a ray of sunshine on the matter of having and getting better and more technology in our classrooms, now we know that it's not impossible. She received funding from the federal government, she had a technology coordinator at her school to help, and some of the principals may not have been interested but they did not stop her. This is encouraging to me, their is going to be a greater need for technology in the classroom in the days to come. I'm glad to know, that students can also be protected by just using their first names on their blogs. Forms can also be sent home so the parents can sign, to give permission for the different use of technical activities. Mrs. Cassidy also stated that the world is changing, so we must change with it. We must never feel that we shouldn't use technology, because it is everywhere an it is not going away, someone stated. Dr. Strange said in the video, that Twitter has changed his life, after he gave it a try. I am going to use Twitter more, because of the value of learning more. A few of the students asked questions. The first question asked was, how often did she use blogging with her students? She said it depended on the class size. Some of the students would be engaged in spelling, reading or blogging. I really would love for my class to blog, because it is the fastest way to reach other students, while still being in your classroom. Another student asked about cheating on the blog, using another students information. She said that teachers switch classwork often, it's ok to share thoughts and information, because we learn from each other, and everyone will go through a shift. The only problem she had is that students would try to get on non-educational games. The problem I would have is losing the desire to learn more about technology. I am getting better, as I type this blog.


  1. I thought the Nintendo DS was an interesting tool to use in a classroom. Ms. Cassidy using it to teach children about sharing was a great idea.

    Using technology in the classroom is an amazing opportunity! Do not lose the desire to learn more about it! Good post.

  2. Mrs. Cassidy gave us great examples of uses for different technologies in the classroom! I'm sure you will get the opportunity to use these in your future classes. Good job discussing the videos.

  3. Please put at least one link in all of your posts.
